Saturday, May 26, 2007

Go home damn yankee racist!

Today me and Mountain Girl went down to watch a bunch of out-of-town racist get r-u-n-n-o-f-t! I guess they came down to see if we would be interested in joining the Klan with them, I am guessing they did not win any hearts today. A bunch of clowns run them off with kazoo symphony.

If you fight fire with fire, then you must fight absurd with absurd.
So this battle was won hands down!

Here is a pic of Mountain Girl getting the photos for you
(lifted from the racist web site).
She was on the clown's side of the street, 'course.

You have to love Knoxville...even if you don't all the time.

Them clowns sure did not make matters worse.
:: posted by Tennessee Jed, 9:23 PM | link | 5 comments |

Monday, May 14, 2007

Worry, worry, worry...hope.

All the doctor would say to ease our worry about the melanoma he found on my dear daughter's back was, "profoundly unusual in a person fifteen". Her mom took her to the doc to see about this little black spot on her right shoulder blade a couple of weeks ago. A couple days ago it came back positive for melanoma. She went today, her fifteenth birthday, and saw the surgeon and oncologist. They will be cutting a 2 inch by 3 or so inch almond shape gash of flesh as deep as the muscle will allow without damage in my dear daughter tomorrow.

I tried to tell her that being under general anesthesia is not as bad as it sounds and to not be afraid, because they do it every day. "Yea", she said, "but not to me!"

Now thats profound!

I hope this thing has not progressed any deeper than what they take out tomorrow. If I could just have this wish, I would give my very life. It seems that a spot on the trunk of the body is about as complicated as it comes when trying to track its path to a lymph node, because the nodes for the back are inside the chest cavity.

Just please help Jed to not make matters worse and think a good thought or two for me and mine when you get a spell to do so. Thanks

Update Friday 5/18:
Thanks all for your positive energies and sweet prayers! The big chunk out of her back that did not show or indicate any advanced progression of cancer! They are still going to do a full upper body MRI sometime next week so keep doing what you are doing!

It is not making matters worse.
:: posted by Tennessee Jed, 9:23 PM | link | 15 comments |

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Heuristic Prophet

The thinker (from one Jed to another)

As a simple prophet of the obvious I am considering an upgrade in my status as a Prophet. I can do that since I am self proclaimed seer in this realm. I am finding in my travels around our sun star that I am heuristic which means, in simplistic terms,
trial and error. A trial and error prophet suits me in my spiritual growth at this point. Mere observation is not enough to base my prophecies on. The root of the word eureka is heuristic, so it says to me discovery by putting my hands on the wheel and turning in the right direction by knowing other directions have yielded failure.

I would like to challenge y'all to find what kind of prophet you are. Tell the world about your prophecy and your title therein. Like all the motivational sorts say, you can manifest your own destiny by claiming your place in the future. Name it and claim it, if you will. It is a mission statement, or more like a mission title, to not make matters worse.

thinking of this girl I miss
:: posted by Tennessee Jed, 4:23 PM | link | 4 comments |

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May Day!

Y'all know this man, y'all know he don't seem to be hearing what his boss wants. I don't think he knows who his boss really is. I am thinking after today we should show him.

If I say more I would just make matters worse.
:: posted by Tennessee Jed, 11:23 PM | link | 1 comments |