Sunday, December 16, 2007

Underground Jed

I know I always show myself working on things in high up places, but sometimes I have to get down below the earth of this scrappy little city and help repair a bad connection. Basegasket snapped this one of me when we were working the Christmas parade and found some shaky voltage that was to supply the center broadcasting area with a few million candlepower of light. Here I am waiting on KUB to kill the main feed so I can tie a lug on to bypass an ailing three phase switch. I thought I would just stay put rather than crawl out to take a smoke break.

Here Basegasket and I are acting proud to have a new device to take care of Downtown. We don't know much about keeping a clock working, but that ain't going to stop us from fixing it if it needs fixing. Notice I am still wearing the dirt from the afore mentioned electrical vault. Also notice my tall cohort wearing his new Turtle FurĀ® cap.

Having smart and able coworkers sure don't make matters worse. It appears he will be moving to work for these guys soon and will be missed.
:: posted by Tennessee Jed, 6:23 PM


Turtle Fur caps off to you Sir Jedd. You saved the Christmas parade with your T-wrench and tic. If and when I do move on, I will always hold near our OT memories.
Blogger Basegasket, at 8:06 PM  
I think I borrowed that T-wrench from you! We proved you must have the negative in order for the positive to have a place to go.
Blogger Tennessee Jed, at 8:27 PM  
no we gut jed as the underground man! dostoevski wooda bin proud, sir!
Blogger buddydon, at 8:32 AM  
I Tagged You! Play along if you like, or just ignore it.
Blogger Bro. Byron, at 2:07 AM  
Now that is amazing. I've just logged on, went straight to your blog to leave you this message and just seen you leave a comment on mine. Great minds, Jed...great minds. Merry Christmas, my friend.
Blogger Richard, at 4:44 PM  

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