Friday, December 29, 2006

Big Control

I got a new toy for Christmas! A remote control of epic size, in fact it is larger than many computers with DVD recorder and plasma display. It has this absurd sort of look, and the symbolism says something.

I had it my hand when they announced Saddam had been hung. Gee, that fixes everything don't it? I ain't here to spew about that because I am sure there are many more qualified to comment about this new development.

My father-in-law was over one day when I was complaining about the remote always missing somewhere in the couch cushions. He fixed it for me with this gift. As a matter of fact it will be easier to lose the DVD player and TV than this remote.

I also wanted to share some emotion about Christmas eve. I gave my Daughter a shirt with her new school logo on it along with a little note that welcomed her to Knoxville and her new home with old dad. She started to cry...I started to cry...we started to hug and snub together. It felt so good to feel happy enough to cry on Christmas.

We have been getting her pitiful little room ready this week and I hope the best for us this new year. I told her that if she hated her life here I would not blame her one bit. She is a delightful and witty young woman who ask for little and seems thankful for the change. She has a picture on her desktop that has a beggar looking man with a sign that reads, "I don't want your coins, I want change". She is my kind of crazy! I am guessing that here on earth if you can't find people you have commonality with you must breed them yourself (Prophet of the Obvious quote there, use it iffin you want).

Jed happy enough to cry...damn that just can't make matters worse.
:: posted by Tennessee Jed, 10:10 PM


Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:44 AM  
sorry, i wasn't sure that code would work.

here is the picture that he is talking about.

keep your coins, i want change
Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:45 AM  
It'll always be up and down with a teenage girl (sometimes it's a whirlwind in my house), but she knows you love her, and that's the best lifetime gift you can ever give her. I would have slept in a box to be with my dad if it had come to that. I've never met a finer man, and I know I never will.

I hope she likes her school. You are blessed, Jed.
Blogger Anne Johnson, at 5:22 PM  
You are a great man and a wonderful father, that is one lucky gal and I love that sign! AMEN to ya sistha.
Blogger Julie, at 9:12 PM  
Happy New Year's to you and I'm glad this gift has been given to you.
The remote is cool too.
Blogger Newscoma, at 1:11 PM  
To: Jed and kinfolk, Happy New Year.
Blogger red molly, at 9:55 PM  
You daughter sounds wonderful :)

We have a funky remote that's all sort of computerised and lights up. Nobody except my daughter (who lives in another country!) know how to programme it so while it looks impressive and isn't quite as easy to lose between the cushions, it's a source of continual frustration!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:06 PM  

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