Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Jed's Eye View

I see many things in a day. I have a camera phone that is dead tech by over two years. It snaps a pretty good photo of course I have some training in image composition. These shots are not cropped and the colors are not tweaked. The first one has had some of the phone number touched up to protect an unknown woman from weird internet browser phone calls.

Follow me for a few shots of some of my days views. You can click any of them for a larger view.

This lady says leave a mess. Does she want you to or will she?

This fountain in a really nice neighborhood keeps working because Jed does.

This light pole fell down when we cut the wires,
I am glad Jed and his partner was not hurt.
I took the photo to remember its number to file a report.

This little shop has great cheap ice cream.

A Jed creation from scrap wire to hang earrings on for my wife. The petina
was accelerated by leaving it in the clorine shed a few days.

This a much larger copper tree I made...I sold it to the scrap man
because it was about $40 worth of copper.

Used to be the heart of North Knoxville.

I put this together while it was on the age-in table at the
neon shop I worked for. I was thinking of this guy who
writes a Hillbilly novel.
(yep them are my feet on the table)

Life is a gram of pleasure paid for with a ton of pain, but hell it is worth it to not worsen matters.
:: posted by Tennessee Jed, 9:49 PM


That was great.
I love coming here.
Blogger Newscoma, at 10:12 PM  
I love visiting the newscoma too!
Blogger Tennessee Jed, at 11:02 PM  
Great post. I love the visuals. You are smack dab all over the place my friend.
Blogger red molly, at 8:01 PM  
I like seeing what you see, Jed. This is very cool.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:18 PM  

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